
14 February 2009

The Day After Tomorrow

I'm sitting at Panera getting some wi-fi action and a little cafe. Able to squeeze my way out of work this weekend. I definitely needed these last two days to be filled without "job" obligations.

Last night I went to pick up a new laptop b/c my beloved iBook G4 is on the way out. I also need something that can support my training software better and one that has a camera for video conferencing. Well, I tried to install some new software last night and the whole thing went into meltdown mode. Not good. Not good. Hopefully the problem will be resolved at the apple store this morning without much delay.

today is also v-day, not Victory Day(WWII), but Valentine's Day. I'll be bucking the system and making a delicious meal at home for myself and my lady.Hoping to get out for a short spin today on the cross rig. We got some snow last night and the roads are still a little dicey. So much for the cleaning effort I put on the bike the other day.

I received a schedule from the team manager this week of my upcoming week schedule. Packed with some meet and greets, team training rides, team presentation. Feelin' pro.


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