
16 November 2008

Weekend Redux

So its been 2 days since my last post...
Snow melted on Friday, except in the mountains. Today was warm and in the 60s.

We went on an epic 6hr hike yesterday. Left from NCAR(National Center for Atmospheric Research) and headed into the Flatirons and up Green Mountain West Trail. Took on the summit, then hit up the Bear Mtn summit. Bear Mountain was a little more precarious. You needed some bouldering skills, fortunately being of the year of the Monkey(inside joke for a particular reader), my monkey like traversing of small crevices and big rocks made it quite easy for me. The view was quite spectacular from over 8000'. Again, this is a trailhead that leaves from the city of Boulder...just amazing...I believe that yesterday was my longest hike ever. It was quite fast and we took on a lot of vert. But I'm happy to say that I didn't experience any soreness today. I guess I've finally acclimated myself to this transportation by two feet thing. I still think its weird.

Enjoy the scenes...

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