
17 October 2008

Friends and Family

Today was the big b-day, 28 years young. They seem to be flying by but every year seems to get better like a nice bottle of Bordeaux. This year is no exception. I have a great system of support from my family and friends, I'm living in a beautiful place, good health and no broken bones, and I am just enjoying life. What more could one ask for?

So what am I doing home on my birthday? Prepping to rip the legs off the field tomorrow in the cross race. Tomorrow we will celebrate ME and hopefully a nice result. Nevertheless, it will be a great day of riding my bike in the dirt fast and enjoying the company of my Colorado contingent.

I've got requests from a Chicago relative to post evidence of the craziness that will probably consume the night...like stupid crazy stuff. For a guy that will be buzzing after 1 beer it will be a good time...



Eric Fischer said...

Happy Birthday!

Anonymous said...

dude, i am famous. i am that chicago relative

-your brother

Anonymous said...

dude, i am famous. i am that chicago relative

-your brother