
30 June 2009

The Red Dragon Dojo

Karl is here in the upper reaches of the RV. He and Shawn took on the Blue Dragon. But it was no dojo. After each tiring day of RV driving, training, cooking, and team directing I retired to enclave of the Red Dragon to seek its reenergizing capacities. The Red Dragon is a force no single, untrained person should try to channel. Fortunately my many year's of strict training and meditation bequethed my ability to channel it's energy and powers.

You can tell by contenanace that the energizing forces were already starting to flow within minutes of the unveiling. The two-finger grip I am demonstrating was not my doing. In fact, the Red Dragon was showing off its power at this point. I relinquished my own ambitions of the power to allow the Red Dragon to take over my fingers and demonstrate its articulate ability to wreak fear amongst the people in the world.

Below is a picture of the Red Dragon in its full entirety. It's a sight of purest of beauty.
Karl tried his best to better the Red Dragon with his Blue version. But a warm energy will always force out the cold energy. Nice try Karl but the Red Dragon had already extinguished the Blue Dragon's power by this point in the day.

Bow to your Sinsei!


Anonymous said...

Nice pictures. I'm still not sure what the red dragon represents. Oh well. It makes for a great wall hanging. I do enjoy it when you post pictures. Miss you and be safe. Love, Mom

Anonymous said...

LOL! Very intense entry. I'm a little scared by the power this red dragon had over you. Glad you survived the dojo. =)

Unknown said...

I see the Red Dragon needs a review in English grammar ;-)

Anonymous said...

